WISE Division HOME
Welcome to the NEW
WISE Division of the NMRA
Model Trains & Railroads in Southeast Wisconsin
You found us! You do like railroads and trains whether their real or models right?
Great! We do too!

Wisconsin Southeastern Division Midwest Region
of the National Model Railroad Association


The National Model Railroad Association (NMRA) was established in 1935 in
Milwaukee, WI to bring model railroaders together and develop standards for
the model railroading industry.

The Wisconsin Southeastern (WISE) Division of the Midwest Region (MWR) of
the NMRA was formed in 1966 and serves over 150 members in seven
counties in southeastern Wisconsin - Kenosha, Milwaukee, Ozaukee, Racine,
Walworth, Washington and Waukesha. Dedicated to it’s educational mission
to promote the hobby of model railroading, the Division creates opportunites for
modelers, from newcomers to those more experienced, to come together and
share new ideas and information. While this is done primarily through events
such as our monthly meets, which includes how-to and historical presentations,
bring and brag, model and photo contests and layout tours.In the past we have
had a video library available, bus trips to other model railroad events, a weekend
for those interested in operating sessions and other fun educational events.
In keeping with the difficulties and uncertainties of the pandemic, the WISE
Division is staying connected to it’s members via virtual Zoom meetings, special
emails and the Owl Car newsletter, along with hosting our monthlymeets in person again.

Since 1971 and through 2019, the Division has also held an annual open house
every November called Trainfest®, which brings hobbyists, hobby dealers,
manufacturers and train fans of all ages together for two days to celebrate
everything train related. In 2022 Kalmbach Media and Great American Train
Shows took over operation of the show. The WISE Division had a booth at the
show to promote the hobby, the Division and the NMRA. That booth gave us the
chance to visit with many of our members rather than being tied up running the
show. We are looking forward to the 2024 Trainfest® and future shows.

Be sure to visit our websites for more information on all of our events.
Going to trainfest.com, you will be directed to the train-fest.com website with the
show information. There is a button to go to the Trainfest® store.

or contact
Burnell Breaker